

How to Do a Social Media Party or Account Guest “Takeover”

If you’re marketing your writing, you know that growing your audience is the most difficult part.  One powerful tool: leveraging other people’s audiences.  If someone a potential reader knows and trusts has you on as guest, that reader will be more likely to trust that your work has quality too. One fun way to do […]


How to Plan a Book Blog Tour

How to Plan a Book Blog Tour Book blog tours are a fun way to get the word out about your upcoming book and you as an author. It can be fun, that is, if you plan ahead and stay on schedule. The more planning you put behind a book blog tour, the more you […]


Novel Writing Tools by Jacob

I know Amber does all the writing but behind the scene there are little choices that I help out with.  Among them are buying all the little things that help her write effectively. There are links to items to purchase and we get a little something back if you use them.  But these are my […]


Outline Now to Save Time Later

Discovery writing can be fun, and there is a certain enticement to the idea of telling yourself the story for the first time at the same time as you write it for your audience.  But if you are having trouble finishing projects, or you want to boost your productivity to finish projects faster you really […]


Permian Basin Writer's Workshop

I will be presenting workshops at the Permian Basin Writer’s Workshop. In its sixth year, the 2021 Permian Basin Writers’ Workshop annual event will feature writing coaches and agents from around the country. Don’t miss this once a year opportunity to move your writing career forward. The  Workshop gives aspiring writers a better understanding of the craft of […]


A 15 Day Journey

I decided to do a writing challenge on Instagram, where you were supposed to explore different aspects of your writing practice/writing life.  I though the results were interesting, especially the way the prompts built on each other.  I know not everyone is on Instagram, so I compiled the Insta segments into one long diary-style post.  […]


The Power of Lists

I’ve talked before about the power of What If questions when it comes to creativity.  What I want to talk about today is related: the power of making lists. Lists force you to move past the first idea that pops into your head in answer to a What If question.  When I get stuck, I […]


Sticking The Landing

When you watch a gymnast doing a parallel bars routine, it is easy to get caught up in the grace and the power – coupled with an I-could-never-do-that kind of awe.  Nothing ruins that experience – or the gymnast’s score – faster than failing to stick the landing.  A double hop – or worse, falling […]


Poetic Technique for Prose Writers

Blog Post – Poetic Technique for Prose Writers I love language.  The sound of words.  The way a pause can imply a character taking a breath.  The way a strong image can stay with you for days. The fact that I as a writer can tell you how my character feels inside, and if I […]