

Weather in Your Story

Today is wet, rainy and cold.  A week ago, everyone was wearing short sleeves.  There’s a saying about Texas weather — if you don’t like it, wait a minute and it will change. The same should be true of weather in fiction.  It’s easy to overlook weather and default to sunny and temperate weather throughout, […]


Managing the Passage of Time

I’ve been re-watching an old 80’s sitcom that recently popped up on one of the streaming services I subscribe to.  One thing I never noticed while watching it when I was a kid was the unusual use of the passage of time.  This probably wasn’t so jarring watching episodes sporadically, but watching them back to […]


First Drafts

I know this is something I’ve talked about before, but I just want to re-emphasize the need to be kind to yourself when it comes to judging first drafts — especially if it is one of your first projects.  It’s easy to discourage yourself, right at the time when you should be proud of finishing […]


Finding Your Creativity

This section of my novel writing class at UTA is covering techniques for writing different kinds of scenes. Often, when I teach this class, students will insist that their book doesn’t need one of the scene types — typically either action or relationship building scenes. I think new writers tend to shy away from whatever scene […]


Kintsugi and The Fine Art of the Character Arc

In real life, we resist change.  But our characters get pushed to change by the plot.  Some characters embrace change, and are more than ready to undertake a hero’s journey. Typically, though, protagonists don’t like change – especially difficult, painful change — any more than you do.  But you have to ignore their protests and […]


Connecting to Chocoverse Characters

“Reading is just staring at a dead piece of wood for hours and hallucinating.” – reddit.  Maybe.  This is all over the place as a meme with no clear attribution. Here it is, the day before my second book launches, and I’m trying to take a moment to step back and think about what being […]


Worldbuilding is People

Part of worldbuilding – whether you are writing an epic Sci-Fi story or a quiet romance – comes down to designing people.  Everyone is shaped by their surroundings, be they a small town in Montana or the confines of a space station.  Clothing, customs, economic structures – all of these were designed by people for […]


The Freedom of the First Draft

I hope everyone survived NaNoWriMo.  How’d you do?  Even if you didn’t hit 50K, I hope you enjoyed the experience, especially if it was your first time.  And you now have more words than you started the month with. The thing I love about NaNo is the need to meet a deadline, which forces you […]