
Bean To Bar Mysteries

Post Book Launch Eve Post

Hi everyone!  This is a bit late.  I usually do a post the evening before a book launches, where I wax philosophical about what I learned from writing the book, and where this whole crazy writing journey has taken me.  My book came out a week and a half ago.  Due to a number of […]


Reading From A Study in Chocolate

Check out this video clip of me reading from A Study in Chocolate.  This is a scene near the beginning of the book, where Felicity has accepted an invitation to a tea party at Wobble House, a (very fictional) historic home in Galveston.  She has been invited by the party host, an art collector, to […]


70% Dark Intentions - Book Launch Eve

Here it is, very late the night before 70% Dark Intentions comes out.  I’ve just finished editing some video for the launch party tomorrow, and I’m finally getting to my book-launch eve blog post. What did I learn this time around?  For one thing, how warm and supportive people can be, when you are approaching […]