
Monthly Archives: February 2021

A 15 Day Journey

I decided to do a writing challenge on Instagram, where you were supposed to explore different aspects of your writing practice/writing life.  I though the results were interesting, especially the way the prompts built on each other.  I know not everyone is on Instagram, so I compiled the Insta segments into one long diary-style post.  […]


Finding Your Voice

It can take courage to be yourself on the page.  If you are writing “primly” or “correctly,” that can feel safe.  Who can find fault with a voice that sounds carefully generic?  But the story written generically isn’t going to come out very exciting, is it?  More likely, your entire book will sound stilted or […]


Grand Openings Book Launch Eve Post

Here it is, the night before my first cozy mystery comes out. This was a fun one to write, and it got me thinking about how story is story, no matter what the genre. Because story always comes down to people, and human nature is the same, whether writing someone who comes from the area […]