
New Advanced Novel Writing Classes

Are you ready for a new writing adventure and some new writing challenges?

So excited about the new series of classes I’m doing for UTA Continuing Education this fall.  There was such an overwhelming positive response to the Novel 1-2-3 classes that they’ve decided to test out Novel 4-5-6.  If you have some writing experience, even if you haven’t taken Novel 1-2-3 (or want to take all 6 modules in one semester), I’d still love to see you in class starting August 27.  They still have the placeholder blurb on UTA’s site, but here’s a peek at the class content.

NOTE: The pic is from my own adventure to the Grand Canyon in late June.


Novel Writing Level 4 — Are you ready to take your novel writing skills to the next level? It is often said that, “Story Is Character.”  In this course, you will learn how to design dynamic protagonists, villains, mentors and sidekicks, and love interests – and how to handle unlikable characters and antiheroes.  Aspiring writers will have the opportunity to have samples of their work critiqued each week. Prerequisites are either Novel Writing: Level 1, Beginner’s Fiction or some experience with basic fiction writing techniques.  NOTE for Novel 3 – 4 – 5 – 6: These topical modules do not have to be taken in order.  Take them all or focus on the skills you need.
Novel Writing Level 5 — Are you ready to take your novel writing skills to the next level?  How do you go from having a series of scenes to something that makes sense as a novel?  In this course, you will delve into structure and discover if your story has enough (or too much complexity).  You will also learn how to handle subplots, manage the passage of time and let character motivation make the plot relatable.  Aspiring writers will have the opportunity to have samples of their work critiqued each week. Prerequisites are either Novel Writing: Level 1, Beginner’s Fiction or some experience with basic fiction writing techniques.  NOTE for Novel 3 – 4 – 5 – 6: These topical modules do not have to be taken in order.  Take them all or focus on the skills you need.
Novel Writing Level 6 — Are you ready to take your novel writing skills to the next level?  Wish your writing had a little more polish?  In this course, you will learn the difference between substantive editing and line editing, what it really means to show not tell, how to recognize purple prose, why word choice matters, and more. Aspiring writers will have the opportunity to have samples of their work critiqued each week. Prerequisites are either Novel Writing: Level 1, Beginner’s Fiction or some experience with basic fiction writing techniques.  NOTE for Novel 3 – 4 – 5 – 6: These topical modules do not have to be taken in order.  Take them all or focus on the skills you need.


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