Oooh, look! A Mirror!
So this may get a little introspective, but I was thinking a bit today about self-awareness […]

Purple Prose: The Tackiest Pants Patch
Sitting around with a group of writing students a while back, the concept of purple prose […]

How Altering a Character Leads to Different Character Interactions
You have to be careful when giving a character a super-steep arc. I learned that the […]

Hemingway’s Iceberg
One thing I see students doing repeatedly is over-worldbuilding. They get the idea that to make […]

Are You in Omniscient POV? Or are You Head-Hopping?
So at tonight’s SNW, one of the questions that came up was on the difference between […]

Using Pinterest to Improve Your Writing
I’ll admit it. I am a Pinterest addict, heading rapidly towards 10,000 pins. I make some […]

Outlining and Road Trips
We went on a mini-road trip over the weekend, and that got me thinking about journeys, […]

Character Development and Development as a Writer
On Friday, we had a meeting with the new/returning Work Study Employees for the kids/teen camps. […]

Physical Description
So I thought I’d kick this off with a few of my favorite things. Bicycling into […]