Choosing an Exciting Setting
This month, we’re talking about ways to approach plotting your story, but you also need to […]

Weather in Your Story
Today is wet, rainy and cold. A week ago, everyone was wearing short sleeves. There’s a […]

Managing the Passage of Time
I’ve been re-watching an old 80’s sitcom that recently popped up on one of the streaming […]

First Drafts
I know this is something I’ve talked about before, but I just want to re-emphasize the […]

Improving Scene Types
This section of my novel writing class at UTA is covering techniques for writing different kinds […]

Novel Writing Tools List From Jacob
I know Amber does all the writing but behind the scene there are little choices that […]

Outline Now to Save Time Later
Discovery writing can be fun, and there is a certain enticement to the idea of telling […]

Mind Mapping and Spiderwebbing Your Ideas
Sometimes I have an idea for a piece of writing (the topic for a blog post, […]

Writing Craft – Books!
Let’s talk books! Specifically writing craft books. As writers, wanting to improve our art is natural, […]